Un nouveau Sonic Riders pour le projet Natal?

Publié le par Past





Parmis les prochains jeux Xbox Live Arcade prévu pour l'E3, se trouve un certain Sonic Free Riders :


A Sonic Natal Game?
Rumors originating on Joystiq point to a motion-controlled Sonic game called Sonic Free Riders. Two Sonic Riders titles were previously released for last-generation systems. It's not terribly difficult to imagine a Natal game starring the blue hedgehog where we control him with our body movements. Microsoft will want to have some recognizable franchises ready to go for the launch of Natal, so Sonic Free Riders would make sense.


Que dire, si ce n'est Wait and See.

Quoi qu'il en soit cette E3 2010 s'annonce comme un excellent cru.


Publié dans Actualités sonicienne

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